Mindfulness † Christ-Mind Meditation † QiGong † Injury Recovery Enhancement † Tai Chi † Pain Management + Retreats + Addiction Relapse Prevention + Quit Smoking + Autism Asperger's + Kids-Seniors
Self-Health Practice
Integral Qigong & Tai Chi™, Tai Chi Easy™, Healer Within™ Medical Qigong (IIQTC), Mindfulness Oriented Recovery Enhancement (M.O.R.E.), Christ-mind Meditation, Self Massage, Gentle Movements, Self Healing Techniques and Breath Work For AnyBODY, Seniors, Patients, Children & Adults, Students, Individuals with Special Needs, KORU for College, Cancer Support, Healing Singing Bowls . . .
Experience a deep tranquility while learning brain-body integration, self-massage, gentle movements and breath practices. Regular practice helps to cleanse the body of toxins, restore energy balance, reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and helps boost immunity/maintain emotional health! Perfect for active-aging adults and seniors. Balance restoration, fall-prevention and brain-building/memory care activities. Practice sessions are seated and/or standing and use a variety of healing modalities designed to lift your spirits, maintain happiness and experience your true you. Authentic and Safe Space.
Mindfulness Meditation, Qigong & Tai Chi Flow (ChairChi)
Dae-Han Taekwon-Do School
Martial arts school in Mount Sinai, New York
340 NY-25A, Mt. Sinai, NY 11766
(Alternating Wednesday Morning 10am)
TEXT: 631 -601-3051
Private in-house, hospital and assisted living sessions available!
Services & Retreats
Therapeutic & Recreational Services
Mindfulness Meditation, Qigong & Tai Chi
A beautiful personal care health practice featuring a combination Tai Chi Easy, Healer Within Medical Qigong and Chair Yoga can be done seated, in wheelchairs or standing, is offered to groups or individuals, and care givers privately or at your Hospital, Senior Centers, Assisted Living, Veterans Home, or Community Center! Perfect for active-aging adults and seniors. Balance restoration, fall-prevention and brain-building/memory care activities.
Retreats, Affinity Groups & Special Events
Creating and maintaining your most fulfilled life involves connecting with others in your circles — like-minded, passionate souls who are committed to thriving to their full potential on their ever evolving life path. Invite your friends, make new ones at one of our evolutionary retreats. Melt away stress! Host a meditation and flow party! For emerging adults, professionals, ladies night, parents, seniors, retirements, and anyone who wants to feel good and improve overall happiness. Showers, bachelor/ette parties, weekend retreats and more. Click: View Upcoming Retreats!
Addiction, Patient & Caregiver Recovery & Relapse Prevention
Need help with a loved one who is recovering? I specialize in teaching patients how to support the recovery process using the body's own medicine, and mindfulness training.
My experience of holding classes for people with anxiety, addiction, all stages of cancer, dementia, those who experienced a stroke and all types of surgeries, indicates that self-care exercises are able to produce consistently beneficial effects that last, speeds recovery, and overall hope & happiness. Learn to use the tools needed for lasting behavioral changes. Inpatient or outpatient services available.
Smoking Cessation Workshops
Learn techniques to help quit vaping and/or smoking for good! Every job needs the right tools.
Tai Chi 4 Kids, Athletes & Special Needs
Introducing TAI CHI for Kids educational program! Created by Cari Shurman, these fun and simplified 12 movement form of Tai Chi is perfect for children of all ages, including those with special needs.
It can improve:
-Concentration, Focus, Emotional Rescue
-Flexibility, Muscle Tone, Balance
-Overall sense of calmness & self esteem
Most importantly it is FUN and enjoyed by kids from 4 to 124!
Autism Spectrum Disorder & Asperger's (ASD)
Self-regulation techniques are taught using the principals of Applied Behavioral Analysis, (ABA). Allow me to create a personal program for you or your loved one using a combination of strategies and modalities to help stay balanced and thriving.
Food Tasting + Meditation = MediTASTING!
For the love of food! Mindfulness based eating habits are effective in reducing weight while also improving emotional well-being. Have fun, enjoy the moment, feel calm & satisfied while learning to manage emotional and binge eating behavior. Have fun while learning to control food instead of it controlling you. Great for supporting those with eating disorders or bariatric surgery needs.
Benefits include:
. Its safe for everyone.
. Its a non-diet approach that supports self acceptance.
. Its non-judgmental and compassionate.
. The exercises are doable and realistic.
. It works and reduced stress.
. Increase enjoyment & easier digestion.
. Reduce calories & weight loss.
. Reduce diabetes and food cravings.
Mindfulness & KORU* Basics Group Course:
Mindfulness means paying attention to what’s happening in the present moment in the mind, body and external environment. For example, paying focused attention to ordinary activities, like breathing or walking. Mindfulness is a learned skill.
The side effects of practicing that skill changes how we: manage and respond to life’s challenges, live with greater well-being and mental clarity, care for ourselves and others. It is easy to confuse mindfulness with relaxation, but they are NOT the same thing. Mindfulness focuses intently on what is going on right now. Relaxation provides a means of getting away from what is going on right now.
Koru Mindfulness is a 4 session course that will teach you the skill of mindfulness. It will also help you build the habit of using it in your life on a regular basis. We’ve found that folks get a lot more out of Koru if they stick with it from beginning to end, therefore attendance at ALL 4 sessions is required. So double check your calendar before signing up. *Koru Mindfulness Meditation Course Classes, for emerging and adults of all ages. Please contact me directly for scheduling.
Invite FRAME OF MIND Self-Health Practice into your life, work or play, today! NYS Department of Education Certified. Approved NY State & Federal Government Contracted Vendor. Licensed & Insured.
Stephanie Neidhart, RYT200, TCEPL, HWPL